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Bittersweet Reflections


Category Archives: Writing

We landed in freshly fallen snow, our knees hitting the white covered ground and turning a bright pink.

Where were we?

Ahead, dark buildings rose up from the ground one by one along the neat tree lined street. Carriages pulled by horses rumbled pass, the clip clop of hooves chipping on the uneven cobblestones.

Above us, a shining bright tower glowed with a bright yellow light.

The clock at its tip hit 12 and it rang, slowly at first, and then faster as the it reached the number of the hour,  the sound of its bells echoing in the night before fading away into nothingness.

Did you turn your head upward today?

I looked up at the sky today and saw a backdrop of cloud waterfalls flowing down to the world below, their wispy white trails disappearing into a clear blue vastness in a way that could only be described as beautiful.

You told me once before

that we were binded by the red string of fate.

That one day

Yue Xia Lao picked up our bodies and tied them together with a crimson thread.

Destiny led us to each other,

our hands following the trail of red

our paths crossing,



before they finally met


Can you feel it tangling, lost in knots made by itself?

Can you feel it stretching, its individual strands unraveling?

Slowly pulling

Slowly changing

Pulling, pulling, pulling…


One day


as each string flies away alone


This is not my email to you. I will write that one tomorrow.

This one is for tonight.

Babo, why do I always feel like its all my fault when you get angry, sad, depressed and annoyed?

There’s nothing left for me to say, since even when I ask what is wrong, you reply, “Nothing.”


That doesn’t help, you know.

All it does is compound the guilt I feel inside.

I don’t say anything because I might make you more angry. I stepped over the line already…what if I pull another trigger?

My friends say I am dramatic. So, heed their observation and take everything I say with a grain of salt.

Throughout the day you kept asking about that guy. You say that the things I say don’t make sense, and that my experiences and lingering memories color my present actions. You think that asking me about him will help you understand me.

But sometimes I feel like you are comparing yourself to him.

I don’t like talking about him- that’s why I avoid it. He’s someone I don’t consider a friend anymore.

But I suppose if you want to hear the story, alright. Here it goes.

The guy has a name, Irvin. I met him during a junior high program that took place at my high school during 7th grade. At that point, I only recognized him as a student from another school.

The same classes routine continued in eighth grade, and the beginning of freshman year. During the second semester of that year, we both joined the same club (AcaDec). That was when we really started to talk to each other. We clicked quickly- we were interested in the same things, such as manga and fantasy novels. We also had the same group of friends in that club, and hung out frequently.

We started getting closer when AcaDec started meeting late and we had to practice speeches. The whole team would spread out to practice, and we were often partners. We give our speeches to each other, and talked after that.

He liked singing. He like writing, drawing, all the artsy things. We sang. We wrote a story together (very epic one that currently spans 100 pages). We drew pictures together.

Anyway, at some point he wrote a love letter to me, and I wrote one to him. I guess we were both confused at what we were supposed to do next.

So we did nothing.

Held hands maybe twice. Never kissed. He gave me a Valentine’s gift. I gave him gifts that he liked (funny enough he likes polar bears. Everything I gave him had something to do with that). He gave me trinkets and the like.

I simply don’t classify it as a relationship because we never really did anything in a traditional relationship. We weren’t “going out.” People knew we liked each other, but we never did anything to confirm it really.

So it was kinda on and off.

He was never “my boyfriend.”

I never really knew what we were.

Close friends?

I don’t know.

You might ask, so what did I feel about him?

Well, I liked him. A lot.

But he never really did anything, and I just gave up.

Then we started not talking, not making eye contact, until suddenly we’re just not friends anymore.

It was one of those silly things.

We to a summer program together, with a bunch of our other friends.

He ignored us all.

At one point, I moved his position on my top friends list on myspace to a lower one.

And the next day, we weren’t friends (on myspace).

My senior year we didn’t give each other presents.

You probably think I’m stupid.


Well, to round off this long winded email, here’s what I wrote to myself back in 2007. About him.

So I guess you can take a look see and what not, because I’m sure you are oh so curious and my mindset yadda yadda.

And no, I did not edit this because that would take away from it anyway.

It’s something about being a senior. The feeling that four years are almost over, that a new phase of life is just around the corner. You know those four years that felt so long in the future during freshman year? That time of confusion, newfound friendships, curious faces and untold secrets? Times of darkness, times of light, times of the joy in finding something new and wonderful? Night lights, orange glows, that tentative feather of a touch? Voices in the dark, stories that unfolded, talent unleashed? Hidden gifts, soft smiles, exploring? Memories repetitively created, broken, forgotten, and built all over again?

Well, it’s all behind us now.

Only four more months.

Then we’ll be going our separate ways, to someplace, somewhere new.

To meet new people, travel to fantastic places, to obtain knowledge.

Possibly, perhaps, the forget all that has occurred.

It hurts, truly it does.

Despite the fact that time has passed, despite the fact that I see no recognition in those eyes. Acknowledgment? Only a flicker before it is forcibly snuffed out like a single thin candle in the darkness.

I once saw a fragile being take form in front of my eyes. Softly, carefully, and lovingly built by two pairs of hands.

Then the hold on it slipped.

It fell, dazzlingly towards the floor.

Seconds before, the hands reached out to catch it. The form cracked.

A trickle of blood flowed out of the white flesh.

Then it was repaired and elevated again.

One day, it slipped again.

Again, it fell to the ground.

Again, it was repaired.

Again the hands bled.

Again, it was placed in its rightful spot.

And this occurred again and again…until one day, it couldn’t take it any longer.

It fell, decisively towards the ground.

The hands reached out to catch it….

but it slipped through and shattered, into a multitude of tiny sharp pieces onto the floor.

You know memories don’t go away.

They stay in your mind for as long as you live.

You just keep replaying the parts that you loved, enjoyed, and wished to have lasted forever…until even those memories become fuzzy and unclear. What really happened? Did it actually feel that way? Did imagination take over reality?

I find myself reliving parts of my life.

Compare and contrast, think and ponder, stare and realize.

I’ve changed.

You’ve changed.

And somehow along the way, it just broke and it just didn’t work anymore.

I would thank you…but somehow, the right words aren’t forming in my mouth.

What was there before has been replaced by fear, uncertainly, and avoidance.

How that occurred, I’m not sure.

I would perhaps, say the same to thing to you,

I think I’ve said it before- goodbye.

I suppose there’s probably more stuff you want to ask me, but I will leave that for later.

I am seriously not in the mood for an in-depth comparison between the two of you. Sufficient to say that you guys are two totally different people, with the commonalities being: left-handed, favorite color is green, and both are into art.

If you keep on pressing for more information, all you’re going to get is more confusion.

So if you have any questions about this, tell me now and not ask again.

Preferably in an email so I don’t sound like a shuttering, bumbling idiot that doesn’t make any sense whatsoever.

It annoys me to no end when all we can talk about is this guy that I liked 3 years ago.

It’s like shoving the present behind the past.

And I don’t care if this email makes you angry because you’re angry at me most of time anyway.


By the way, one of the things I hate to hear most from you is,”Do whatever you want.”

So shut your mouth.

I’m out.

I remember that one day
When I saw you standing out there
All by yourself with the rain pouring down
I did not know what to do
But to stand beside you
As the rain fell down on us
I did not know who you were waiting for
But when I saw that look on your face
I knew it was for him
I wondered why
He would leave you so alone
But I chose not to say anything
So there we stood, just the two of us
Just waiting there, as the night passed by
I did not know what to do
But to hold you close
As the rain fell down on us
And then you turned to me
And spoke so softly that
I could not hear your words
“You should just go home
I will wait alone
He will come back soon
He will not break his promise to me,
I put all my trust in him, I really do believe
So you can go
I will be alright
thanks for staying with me tonight “
What should I do right now?
Can I still wait here with you?
I did not want to go and leave you alone
But I had no choice
You chose him, I lost my chance long ago
You said
“I will wait for him
No matter what happens
even in the pouring rain and heavy wind
since in my heart I believe that
all these raindrops are
just kisses from afar…
Just kisses from afar…

It was pure coincidence that I saw you the other day.

I was entering the elevator, you were exiting.

Our eyes met, we smiled and paused to chat of meaningless things, academics and such.

Then your eyes locked on my scarf and traveled up to my eyes, and a slightly worried look marred your face.

“Hey,” you said.

“Are you sick?”

I pause, a smile pasted on my face even though it did not belong there.

“No. Why do you ask?”

Your eyes glint strangely. “You’re wearing a scarf.”

“It was cold this morning.”

“People wear scarves when they are sick.”

“I’m not sick. Lots of people are wearing scarves today.”

I look around, trying to find an example. Sadly, nobody in the lobby was wearing a scarf.


“Seriously. I’m not sick.”


Oh, what to think of this event?

I don’t know whether to take it as an endearing cluelessness, or as an acts of utter stupidity and weirdness.

Was a way to show that you care (even though I’m sure you only slightly do), or a just a random thing to say because you don’t know what to say to me?

I saw Joy yesterday and she was wearing a pink scarf, and could not help but wonder if you asked her if she was sick as well.

Did you?

I am lost, dear. Can you please show me the way?

I’ve been trying to avoid today, but it’s quite difficult when I share a classes with you every single day. 

It’s also hard since my friends decided to sit in the row behind you this afternoon in Chemistry. 

After class, you moved to the end of the row, leaving the classroom. 

At this point, my friend pointed behind me, and got a one second glance at you. 



I turned back immediately, careful not to meet your eyes for too long. 

Upon leaving, I followed as you and a girl in blue walked together amiably. 

It was for her, wasn’t it, that path that you did not usually take? 

Chatter. Chatter. 

I pretended not to hear. 

Strange to think that the picture of the two of you only contained one genuine smile.

I was browsing my way on facebook when I came across a note written by a friend. It seems that he has been going through a tough time with his girlfriend lately- so much that he is pondering what the idea, or the feeling, or the emotion…well, whatever you want to call it anyways of “love” is. 

This led to my thinking- what exactly is “love?” 

I put this in quotations because everyone has a different opinion and view of what love is, even though the general consensus is that it is something precious that has to be treasured. 

But still, what is it exactly? 

Whenever someone asks me the question “Have you ever been in love?” I always give the same answer: tell me what love is and I’ll answer you. 

After all, everyone has a different idea of what love is. What I think is love is not necessarily someone else’s definition of love. This is where unrequited love and crushes come from right? When you feel like you are showing someone affection and love, but they don’t notice at all. 

To put it simply, in order to love another person and be in love, you have to have a similar definition of love or are willing to learn and understand your partner’s idea of love. Otherwise, you’ll be doing things that they don’t notice as an expression of love, which will only make you sad and feel unrecognized. D: 

I’ve asked people what their idea of love is, and of course, have gotten a variety of answers: 

“…its a series of choices and actions that result in the emotion. You first choose to “love” someone, care for them, etc then you perform a number of actions that show affection. As a result of that, you feel love.” – DC

“’s when you feel like the world only contains you and her when you are together.” – KY

“…when you feel like you can act like yourself around him and not care. At all. ” -TL

“…absolute trust.” – SK

So the real question is- what do I think love is? 

Hm, I don’t know, but for now it will be this: 

Love is when you feel utterly comfortable with a person, listen to everything they say and pay attention to it, and basing your actions off of those. It is when you care for them so much that you are willing to make the most ridiculous sacrifices for them- whether this is monetary, time-wise, or other things. It is when you think about them often, and only want the best for them. It is putting them first before yourself in everything, even when it means that you get the short end of the sick. It means putting their happiness before yours, even when it means you get booted out of the picture. It also means putting your faith and trust in them, because without that…it wouldn’t work. 

In short, to me love is sacrifice, understanding and trust.

Love is always there in the end when there is nothing left.

// — Kiss the Rain — //

The rain only started a couple of minutes ago. 

I forgot my umbrella at my house, but I can’t go back to get it. 

It’s better to stand here waiting, after all, what if you show up in the time that I’m gone? 

I don’t want that to happen. I want to be the first to see you when you get back…

I miss you- your warmth, your touch, your voice and all that makes you you

These raindrops aren’t cold at all- nothing compares to how I feel when you’re not here. 

I don’t need a coat. 

I’m perfectly fine. 


I’ll just stand here waiting for you as the night passes by and the stars twinkle gently in the sky…

Remember when we saw that shooting star? 

I told you my wish…but you never told me yours. 

I only remember a sweet smile and soft kiss on my lips as we wrapped ourselves in layers of love. 

Come back soon, dear. 

I’ll be here waiting for you, with my hand touching my lips remembering the times that we’ve shared. 

My eyes will be closed, as I relieve the memories. 

Time passes by rather quickly. 

The rain continues drizzling, but I don’t really mind. 

After all, these raindrops are just light kisses that you are sending from afar…

I will be patient. 

I believe in you- your dreams, your wishes…your very being. 

I’ll wait for you. 

No matter what. 

I’ll be here, waiting…because…

it’s not painful to wait. 

At all.

I remember that one day
When I saw you standing out there
All by yourself with the rain pouring down
I did not know what to do
But to stand beside you
As the rain fell down on us

I did not know who you were waiting for
But when I saw that look on your face
I knew it was for him
I wondered why
He would leave you so alone
But I chose not to say anything

So there we stood, just the two of us
Just waiting there, as the night passed by
I did not know what to do
But to hold you close
As the rain fell down on us

And then you turned to me
And spoke so softly that
I could not hear your words
“You should just go home
I will wait alone
He will come back soon

He will not break his promise to me,
I put all my trust in him, I really do believe
So you can go
I will be alright
thanks for staying with me tonight ”

What should I do right now?
Can I still wait here with you?
I did not want to go and leave you alone
But I had no choice
You chose him, I lost my chance long ago

You said

“I will wait for him
No matter what happens
even in the pouring rain and heavy wind
since in my heart I believe that
all these raindrops are
just kisses from afar…

Just kisses from afar…

You are but an utter fool, and I will not be caught in your web of deceit once again.

Do not tempt me with promises that you cannot keep and sweet, honeyed lies that slip easily from your lips and sly smile.

We are done, and nothing can bring us back to where we were before.

Do not try again, imbecile.

Give up, you traitor, betrayer of the heart.

Turn around and never look back, for that is what I have promised to do.

Forgive and forget?

I think not.

Rest assured, I will remember this always.