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Bittersweet Reflections


Category Archives: Random

I’m only home for 2 hours and you are complaining that I am lagging you. 


If you are lagging in Rohan or GW2, it’s your computer IS CRAP, not because I am lagging you.

난 지금 불꺼진 조명아래 …

혼자 서있는 어두운 무대다….

인생이라는 연극에 혼자 서서 연습중이다 …

이걸 연습이라 생각해야 하는가 …

맨날 똑같이 맨날 반복되는 시간과의 싸움 …

이 허전함은 무엇일까 …

요즘 보고싶은것도 하고싶은것도 …. 점점 없어진다 …

Something just doesnt seem right and yet…

I cant do anything…

I cant even get involve..

I cant even speak…

have to keep it inside of me..

have to just bear it…

day by day… week by week …

i dont know what i have done wrong

what i can do to undo the wrong ….

is something so wrong with me  …

or is there something wrong at all …

i am just lost …

i think i just miss u too much to think in the first place…

Lately my class has been annoying me.

First, we moved the Biosys exam from Monday to Friday with the support of the whole class. yay.


  1. They tried to move the Genetics test
  2. They tried to move the Calculations quiz
  3. They tried to move the next Biosystem test
  4. They complain about a extra credit quiz

Regarding 1 & 2: They are people who are complaining because they say it’s so stressful because they have rotation 3. But seriously, that rotation just started this week. It’s been scheduled since the beginning of the school year, and it is your responsibility to prepare properly. Don’t even try to compare this to the schedule rotation 2 had, because they had 3 weeks of rotation with 1 or 2 exam every week. There is no excuse for your inability to manage your time.

Regarding 3: Are you kidding me. This is after spring break. You have 9 days to study.

2&3: so now the Biosys test and calculations quiz are on the same day, and they canceled another calc quiz so we wouldn’t have 2 quizzes in one week. Do they realize that 1/3 of the quizzes get dropped anyways, and that the ones in the beginning are the easier ones that you want to take to give yourself a good cushion to fall back on later?

4: Today only 10 people showed up to class, so they gave an EC quiz. BUT people are complaining that the faculty are being unfair and are trying to punish us and that they KNEW no one would show up for class. However, she didn’t decide to give the quiz until she saw how little people were in class. Who’s fault is it that you’re not in class to take advantage of the EC? It’s yous, because you were irresponsible earlier in the semester and didn’t use your time wisely. It is disrespectful and unprofessional to the administration and the professor that is teaching. Can you really blame them for trying incentives to get people to come to class? And remember what happened yesterday? Some one asked if there was going to be an EC quiz. Well, there you go. In addition, what happened last time the professor hinted heavily that there was going to be a quiz? EVERYONE came to class to take the quiz, and then 50% of the class left immediately after turning in their papers. They just took their stuff and left. That’s just rude.

And then there are all the people that keep asking for notes.

Come to class or watch lectures yourself, ******.

Don’t play catch up all semester. You complain that you don’t have time to watch lectures, but it’s because you don’t come to class because you are watching lectures for another class for another test.

Get your act together, we are all adults and this is a professional school. Everyone should know time management and basic courtesy. Everyone should have a BRAIN.

I honestly think that our class wants to piss off the administration or something.


the school should really update the computers in the library…I don’t like visiting websites and seeing “You are using an incompatible browser. Please update” dialog box.

also flash does not run well on this thing. why the heck does it open like 20 windows when i click on something that uses flash???

it probably needs an update also.


Really, is $700 – $1000 a month worth this trouble?

i love my pumpkinbutt

immensely offended today because

(1) Professor said that WWII was in 1930.  I am not a history major, and yet I know that this is completely off by a decade

(2) watching a video about Chinese traditional medicine narrated by a white guy who did nothing but emphasize heavily how weird, how strange, how different and alien it was. why do they get this guy to make a documentary? why not someone who knows it well and and make the audience believe in that medicine, showing an insider’s point of view…that is root of understanding, instead of always seeing and thinking “ughhh! do they really use geckos? that’s disgusting and weird and would never cure anything! but these people claim it does, hahaha!”  excuse me, but western european medicine traditions are very strange too. especially upset at people in class laughing at people doing tai chi. (omg, people do that all over China??? how come no one ever told me about it??) how is that different from the ever popular yoga or stretching exercises given by trainers? do these make it into travel pamphlets and brochures??? no!

dumb usc internet…..

i think its stupid for games to put their screenshots in the dumb folder hidden in under C drive instead of in My Pictures or My Documents.

That was how I lost all my Aion screenshots because I forgot that they were there.


how the fuck am i supposed to study

fuck u fuck u fuck u i dont want to listen to u anymore shut up shut up u make me miserable miserable miserable set me free set me free set me free let me die let me die let me die